Among the rest of his abilities are being able to teleport at will, often using his teleportation to travel small distances ahead to catch up to Mono or get past certain obstacles the distortion of reality itself via his control over the Transmission that has left the Pale City warped and desolate slowing down time for anyone who is within his presence and some form of telekinesis, as he is able to occasionally open doors without touching them and can pull Mono or Six into his hand without making physical contact with them once he closes in on them.

He uses this ability to travel through the Pale City and its outskirts efficiently. Similarly to Mono, the Thin Man can tune into the Transmission, allowing him to use televisions as portals by making physical contact with their screens. The Thin Man's presence always seems to emit noises one would hear on an old television, such as buzzing and signal screeching. While the Hunter, the Teacher and the Doctor are all shown to be highly aggressive, violent and hasty, the Thin Man's demeanor is eerily nonbelligerent and calm, since he patiently pursues the Mono and Six at his own pace, but remains hostile nonetheless. The Thin Man shares the characteristic of not speaking a single line of dialogue with the rest of the characters in the games, but his general behavior and abilities are unlike any of the other antagonists encountered in Little Nightmares II. 3.2 Little Nightmares: Secrets of the Maw.